Drunken Master Essay

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"Drunken Master" spawned a number of clone-films and this particular one is one of the best. Butcher Wing is a mediocre student of master Wong Fei Hung, a fact that has not forbidden him from carrying a rivalry with another school headed by Master Ko. Eventually, Wing's long lost brother arrives in town with his wife and Tai Ho, Master Ko's son abducts the girl. Later on, the story involves Beggar So, a lot of misunderstandings, murder and lastly a fight between Wing and Master Ko. Sammo Hung is great in the titular role, in a period of time when his performance was much better than Jackie Chan's was. Apart from that, the movie entails the usual combination of martial arts and comedy, both benefiting the most from Sammo Hung's presence, including …show more content…

This time, Chen Zhen studies in Japan when he is informed that Akutagawa, a Japanese fighter, has killed his former master in a duel. Heart-stricken, he returns to Shanghai, and after he visits his master’s grave he swears to avenge his death. However, after his own bout with the Japanese, he eventually discovers that his master’s fight involved foul play. Eager to punish the Japanese, who scheme against the Chinese martial artists, he proceeds in relentlessly fighting hordes of them. “Fist of Legend” is an archetype of the Hong Kong action genre. It includes the popular Chinese versus Japanese concept and the direction, script and acting exist solely to lead to the action scenes. As for the latter, Yuen Woo Ping took advantage of Jet Li’s martial arts abilities and created a number of incredible action scenes, with the added difficulty of having too many actors present simultaneously. Most notably, the extended battle between Chen Zhen and the Japanese sensei played by Yasuaki Kurata is one of the most elaborate in both of their …show more content…

This time, a little before the festivity, a team of crooks from Bangkok asks the villagers to sell the statue to them. When they deny, they steal the statue's head. The shaken villagers decide to send Ting to Bangkok, where his cousin Humlae is living, to retrieve the head with his help. However, Humale has other plans for his cousin. 19. Fighter in the Wind (Yang Yun-ho, 2004, S. Korea) The films is based on the actual life of Korean Choi Yeung-eui, who emigrated to Japan after World War 2 to become a pilot, but instead ended up changing his name to Masutatsu Oyama, and becoming an unbeatable fighter. He also created his own karate style, Kyokushin. The script tracks his first steps in Japan, from the squalor and the repression by the Japanese, to his involvement with a circus troupe and his training by Bum-soo, to his own fierce training that eventually transforms him to a fighter feared by every sensei in the country. The film is a drama as much as it is a martial arts film. Nevertheless, the duels of the protagonist with Japanese experts of various styles are impressive, despite their short duration, with their focus lying on

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