Drunk Driving Persuasive Speech Essay

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How would you feel if you lost a member to a drunk driver? Studies have found that 21 to 34 years old are approximately half of all the drunk drivers that are alcohol-related fatal accidents. Also responsible for more fatal accidents than any other age group, and seem to have highest blood alcohol content. This is the most biggest problem, consider they are resistant to change their drinking patterns and behavior. There are about 17,000 alcohol related car accidents deaths in the United States each year, meaning there is a drunk driving death every 31 minutes. Third of all drivers are arrested for DUI/DWI are repeat offenders according to date gathered in 13 states. Every single injury and death is caused by a drunk driver is totally preventable. Did you know the most frequently committed violent crime? Chronic drink driving is a person who has driven over 1,000 times before being caught do not respond to social pressures, law enforcement and the messages have been combined to reform the drinking and driving behavior of our society. When an officer pulls you over for suspicious driving, the officer will smell the strong odor of alcohol and you have exhibit slurred speech or general incoherence you will be asked to exit your vehicle and move to the side of the road where you will go undergo field sobriety If an officer suspects you of DWI you will undergo a sobriety test. If your found guilty of having a DWI, you will be charged with drinking and driving. Along with the in jail, officers mandated alcohol treatment programs and loss of driver's license for an amount of time. When officers scan your license and you have a DWI/DUI the officer might ask if you are under it or not. If you don't know you had it they will take you in and give you a bond for a member to paid for you to get out of jail. Average of 12,000 people die every year in DUI-related accidents. 900,000 is arrested each year for DWI/DUI, a full ⅓ of those are repeated offenders. National averages has dropped by half over 35 years there is still an ongoing problem with drinking and driving.the solution to this problem does not not lay in the hands of law enforcement to find these violations and prosecute them but but within each day and every person to make the conscious choice not to drink and drive. There is always a better option then drink and drink while take away the life of a citizen that are just not meant to be

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