Drug Addiction Is Not A Disease Essay

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Over the years, I have asked myself whether drug addiction is a disease or a choice. Previously, I have been on the side that the drug is a choice. Many articles and researchers state that drug addiction is a brain disease. However, to many drug addiction is a choice. After learning about drug and alcohol, I believe drug addiction is a brain disease. Yes, drug addicts have a choice to use drugs, however, the disease takes over their ability to stop their use of substances. Initially, my stand on drug addiction has been that individuals lack the willpower to refrain from drugs. But as I have learned more about substance use, I know that drug addiction is ultimately a brain disease and not a choice.

There are a number of facts that support the argument that drug addiction is a disease. The use of drugs alters the chemistry and structure of the brain. The nerves, cells, and the brain itself are completely different compared to a normal brain. As a result of addiction, drugs creates the compulsivity of users to continue using. While under the influence, addicts are incapable of making normal decision-making abilities. This disease produces the desire of dependency in which addicts …show more content…

They choose to continue their use of drugs because they enjoy the effects. Users physically put drugs into their bodies, whereas with other conditions, individuals acquire them without doing anything to cause the condition to happen to them. It can also be argued that drug addictions can not simply because as humans we always will have a choice. If we really wanted to stop, then we would. There are many addicts who have had a successful recovery and have remained sober. This is a good example of individuals who choose a different path of life and become clean. Addictions have a choice of whether they want to live their lives certain

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