Drosophila Essay

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Drosophila and the cinnabar Gene
Drosophila melanogaster, commonly known as fruit fly, is mainly used as a human disease model organism for genetic analysis. It was during the 20th century that D. melanogaster was considered as the most significant model organism. D. melanogaster is small in size, and it has a short life span with a good reproduction rate, perfect for raising in large number and generation counts for genetics experiments. Additionally, it has a small genome which makes it easier for geneticists to keep track of changes in molecular level. Geneticists were able to uncover many human genetic diseases through the homologous genome of human and fruit flies. It started out with a small group of people led by Thomas Hunt Morgan at Columbia University. Many principles and rules of transmission genetics that are still being used in the generation of today were established in the laboratory of Dr. Morgan. Many animal models were being used before fruit flies. Using the whole-animal as a model set limitations to the types and amounts of experiments can be conducted. The use of Drosophila was able to led geneticists to overcome these limitations with tremendous promises in finding greater quality results. It was Frank Lutz, who wrote many papers on Drosophila, which introduced Drosophila to Dr. Morgan. Many experimental works on plants and animals were carried out on Drosophila instead. Through Drosophila, the discovery of mutation, recombination, relocation of chromosome, and many others were made possible. The cinnabar, cn, gene encodes an enzyme essential in the eye color formation of drosophila. It codes for the enzyme, kynurenine-3-monooxygenase, that is essential in the biological pathway of ommochrome for the brown pi...

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...ine, the mutation of cn1 or cn35k occurred. When the mutations of cinnabar happened, the biological pathway of ommochrome will be halted, and the brown pigment, xanthommatin, production gets inhibited, resulting in Drosophila to have bright red eyes.
The phenotypic characteristic mutations of Drosophila are an essential aspect matter in studying and understanding newly found human genetic diseases. The mechanism of enzymes metabolize tryptophan, and the intermediates of the biological pathway of ommochrome, oxidation of kynuenine to 3-hydroxykynuenine, of the cinnabar gene allowed geneticists to study the possibilities of neurotransmission factors in many brain disease such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease. The biological pathway of cinnabar mutations mimics a molecular evaluation of an approach that linking to the human biological processes brain system.

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