Drinking And Driving Argumentative Essay

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Informative Essay on Drinking and Driving Are too many lives being lost by Drinking and Driving? Think about it, every day in the United States in the year 2014, twenty eight people died a day by driving under the influence. Driving under the influence means to have your BAC (blood alcohol concentration) .08 grams per deciliter or higher. This leaves 32,572 males and 11,258 females in 2014 with a BAC higher than .08 in the United States. Drunk driving is one of the leading causes of death in the United States. A group who calls themselves MADD, which means Mother's Against Drunk Driving began in 1980 as an activist movement. "In 1980, a drunk hit-and-run driver with four previous drunk driving convictions struck and killed Candy Lightner's Knowing he was in no condition to drive himself home, his friend drove him home who was also intoxicated. This left Sean in a wheelchair and now having a computer as a voice. "The vehicle spun to the left and the right passenger door of the pickup struck a tree in the median." (Faces. Pg.3) The driver of the car, Ryan McDaniel life suddenly changed when his dreams of becoming a football coach vanished and he was now on probation for ten years. When Ryan was arrested once again for drinking and driving, he found himself in prison and county jails for 26 months. Seven years after the crash, Ryan and Sean crossed paths once again. They agreed their roles could have been reversed, Now, both men are focused on hope, healing and a restoration of their friendship. Sean now works to improve his life and tell his story to others and encourages them not to drink and drive. (Faces.Pg.4) Drinking and Driving is dangerous, but has lowered throughout the years. Since 1982, drunk driving fatalities have decreased 52%. There are many ways to lower the percentage of drunk driving and the first one may begin by saying no. To avoid getting behind the wheel while intoxicated call a cab, Uber, or try a friend who is sober. Most importantly, remember it is all up to you on what you decide. Accidents change the faces of Americans all over leaving most in prison and others paying for it for the rest

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