Drawing the Connection of Creed between Hinduism and Christianity

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Drawing the Connection of Creed between Hinduism and Christianity Over the years and across the world, religion has taken on many forms and importance within life. Religion is referred to by most as “a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number or people or sects”. Knowing this, it is easy to accept that as certain beliefs and religions arise across the world, there must be some similarities to accompany the inevitable differences that they have with each other. In particular, two religions that will be compared are Hinduism and Christianity. Each of these religions arised in completely different parts of the world, nevertheless it was inevitable that despite the geological and social differences that certain similarities would be evident between the differences. Between the two, there are three things that are easy to draw parallels and compare with each other. The first concepts that will be compared is the concept of god with Brahman, Avatars & Deities in Hinduism and Jesus and God in Christianity. The second concept that will be compared is the Path to salvation within Hinduism and Christianity. Furthermore, the third set of concepts that will be compared is the Hindu concept of atman and the Christian concept of the soul and their ideas of the afterlife. According to the Hinduism religion, “Brahman” is a supreme cosmic force and is the power that sustains the universe. It is known as the unity of all things, and brings them all together. Many forms of deities are required to express the various aspects of Brahman. For Hindus, Brahman is also something that is within them, as it represents consciousness and as humans, we are believed to be conscious beings. Having this knowledge, it... ... middle of paper ... ...r idea of the afterlife, whereas Christians believe that life on earth is only temporary, and afterlife in either heaven or hell is eternal. In conclusion, religion is something that is essential in almost all cultures as it provides an answer and a solution to everything that happens around us. As each culture developed their own ideas on how they conducted themselves to get to god, it was inevitable that certain similarities would arise among the differences. Furthermore, despite that fact that Christianity and Hinduism stemmed from completely different parts of the world, the fact that they had so many similarities among the differences just shows us how similar the two religions are when being compared to one another. Works Cited Hengel, John Van Den. World Religions: A Canadian Catholic Perspective. Toronto: Novalis, 2011. Print.

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