Drawbacks of Budget Cuts in Education

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The budget cuts within educational services are affecting students, teachers and the schools in general in countless ways. First, students are at a heightened disadvantage when there are fewer funds within the field of education. As the amount of money per student continues to decrease in many states, students’ education is being compromised in unfavorable ways (Emeagwali). It is true that when budget cuts force education services to reduce many opportunities for pupils, their learning is often hurt. For example, when a student from a low income family enters a school that is suffering from receiving a high budget allowance, that student, who most likely needs increased attention within the school, is not able to be provided with the education needed to grow to a level equivalent with others of his age because of the removal of extra programs within that school along with overcrowded classrooms forced upon teachers. As a result, the student’s learning is hindered, and they now have to work harder in years later just to try and be at an average level (Feldman). It is not simply a student with a certain background who is being affected by lack of funds within educational services either. Students everywhere are faced with a paucity of opportunities for a sound basic education which damages their constitutional rights, according to Rebell (Rebell, “Safeguarding the Right” 1855). Scarcity of sound basic education for children leads to poor learning habits and needs; therefore, a child’s ability to learn becomes insufficient, which causes difficulties for him in later years of his life (Rebell, “Safeguarding the Right” 1860-61). Despite legislatures claims that fiscal pressure “in no way lessens the constitutional duties [for...

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