Dr Pico Language Summary

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Dr. Pico was born in Puerto Rico, Spain. His family is in Spain. He focuses on creativity, technological and research background to specialize the interest of ELL educators. Per the discussion, he mentioned several language questions regarding what, how, and when ELL educators experience language. Dr. Pico is extremely involved in the Education Facility working professionally towards the STEM curriculum.
Dr. Pico discussed his past working at Carlow University as an ELL educator in the Education Department for seventeen years. He taught in Puerto Rico as an educator in the Preparation Program. Once he moved back into the states, he earned his Bachelor in Agricultural Science and Engineering from Penn State. After the excellent outcomes from teaching, he returned to Penn State to work on his graduate degree. Eventually, he earned his Ph.D. in Curriculum and Instruction. He was …show more content…

Then he M. Ed. In Bilingual and Multicultural Studies.
Dr. Pico mentioned to acknowledge the student’s first language or use indirect or direct strategies. There are some students who might be conscious of communication towards others. On the other hand, by sharing positive attitudes towards student’s dialects or language can enhance the child’s confidence and self-esteem. Language can be a combination of literacy and oracy. Dr. Pico demonstrates cognitive language. The handout mentions using connections and prior knowledge to relate to concepts and context. For example; field trips, guest speakers, films, discovery centers, and computer simulations are beneficial to use in the classroom to engage the class. Another strategy to support language acquisition include graphic organizers. Using these can model for students to break down the comprehension and understanding of language. One can show relationships using shapes, symbols, or connections. For example; Venn Diagrams help students understand specific details and differences of items. Dr. Pico

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