Dr. Bennet Omalu: The Death Of Mike Webster

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A concussion is indeed a captivating, nonfictional book that explores the life and story of a thirty-four-year-old doctor, living in Pittsburg. He was born in Biafra, Nigeria, but went to study in America. Dr. Omalu is not a football fanatic until he stumbles upon the body of Mike Webster. He then strives to unleash what exactly happened to Mike Webster. It is the death of Mike Webster that leads to a series of scientific researches for Dr. Bennet Omalu. When Omalu performs an autopsy on Webster to find out what exactly kills him, he suspects that Webster did not die of a heart attack as earlier speculated, but rather due to a serious brain injury. He soon finds out that Webster’s brain is full of sludge- like proteins, called tau. The …show more content…

He had known Mike Webster as well as Terry long (Omalu’s second case brain case). Bailes had experiences that touched and interconnected with Omalu’s research in so many ways. When he called Omalu to say that he believed him, Dr. Omalu was ecstatic. It was the first time that anybody confirmed his work as valid. Ultimately, Omalu sent all his brain tissues to Bailes and they, together with Fitzsimmons, became a team with a mission. Their resolve was to learn more about the disease, understand NFL’s adamant, extreme denial and to break them of …show more content…

According to the utilitarian view, the right action is that which produces the greatest good for the greatest number of people. (Darwall, 17) The company needed to look beyond the consequences for the company. They failed in this sense because they were only protecting their interests. The deontological view also, on the other hand, implies that right action is that which recognizes the rights of individuals, not based on the consequences. In this case, the rights of an individual are put on forehand, such as their right to life, rights to be free from physical harm, right to consent, right to free thought and speech, among others. The NFL evidently violated this. Thirdly, the justice and fairness view requires that a right action is that which is just and fair. The way NFL handled the cases of the victims was unjust and unfair because they were only protecting their name and reputation. Also, the relativist indicates that an action is right if it is regarded as right in a particular situation or culture. The actions done in Concussion to the victims are very uncouth. The last view is about the Virtue-based view. (Darwal, 34)Under this, the right action is that which is based on a virtue shared by a person of moral character. What Omalu was doing was right because he had a virtue to seek the

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