Downfall Of Macbeth

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The tragic downfall of Macbeth was not determined by one single cause. It was rather caused by a combination of three dark forces: supernatural, external, and internal. Supernatural forces are represented by the three witches and dark powers behind them. Lady Macbeth is an outer force that pushes Macbeth towards the bloody deeds. Macbeth's own ambition acts as deciding power in brining him to his downfall.

The very beginning of the play indicates that dark supernatural forces will be involved. Three weird sisters are preparing a surprise for Macbeth, surprise that will eventually cost him life and the salvation of his soul. Witches' predictions play very important role in leading Macbeth to the evil deeds. Witches are the first to unleash Macbeth's "black and deep desires" by promising him crown in the near future. They trick Macbeth making him to believe that he was fated to be king by promising him the title of thane of Cawdor and fulfilling this promise. After this almost impossible prediction becomes true Macbeth decides that he should become king as well. His royal dreams and ambition begin to take over his good side. He is convinced that "Two truths were told/As happy prologues to the swelling act/Of the imperial theme." The dark forces "win him with honest trifles to betray in deepest consequence." Not only they make Macbeth thinking about murdering Duncan; they also bring him to the decision to kill Banquo and his son by saying that Banquo's children will be kings. Throughout the whole play dark supernatural powers trick and deceive Macbeth. In Act IV the apparitions playing with words convince him to continue to walk along the bloody path by advising him to be "bloody, bold, and resolute" and to "have no fear." These predictions give Macbeth confidence to murder more victims, so that he has got absolutely no hope left for retaining any virtues and opportunity of remedy.

After the witches awaken Macbeth's desires of becoming king, his wife begins to push Macbeth towards the real act of murdering Duncan. Lady Macbeth thinks she knows exactly what Macbeth wants--becoming a king--and decides that she has to force her husband to do what he would never do without her support--to kill Duncan. She never really tries to gain much for herself and never mentions that she wants to be queen. She wants Macbeth ...

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...has doubts, but he wants to believe that he is fated to be king. He wants to get support and advice for murdering Duncan from both witches and Lady Macbeth and gets them. Macbeth needs this push from the external forces to suppress his conscience and begin committing bloody crimes. After the evil side of Macbeth's character receives help from the witches and Lady Macbeth it completely takes over his good side and can now act by itself with no help from the outside. Macbeth next murder after killing Duncan and grooms--murder of Banquo--is never advised by the weird sisters or supported by his wife. There is absolutely no reason of murdering Macduff's family.

In conclusion, even though Lady Macbeth and the witches played an important role in convincing Macbeth to kill Duncan, internal force was the most important of all three. It was Macbeth who agreed with them, Macbeth who committed the murder, Macbeth who decided to continue walking along the bloody path. However, it's very unlikely that all the events in the play would have happened, if there had not been help given by the witches and Macbeth's wife. The fatal combination of the three combined forces produced the tragic result.

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