Douglas Macarthur's Life And Accomplishments

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On January 26th, 1880, in Little Rock, Arkansas, Douglas MacArthur was born. Arthur MacArthur, his father, and Mary MacArthur, his mother, had a strong family history in the military. Douglas followed their lead by going to West Point. He participated in their baseball team and controlled the football team. He became captain of the cadet corps after graduating in 1903. After this big step, he was accepted into the Army Corps of Engineering and continued this journey for 10 years. He traveled around the world to places such as Japan, Mexico, Philippines, France, and many other foreign places. Douglas MacArthur did a lot in his lifetime, including fighting in World War I and many other courageous, yet tough adventures. Soon after returning to the United States, he reports for duty at Washington, D.C. He helped President Theodore Roosevelt in the White House. MacArthur was sent to Vera Cruz, Mexico for a special intelligence mission. MacArthur set out into enemy territory to discover locomotives, with several guides, that the Army could find use in to transport troops and supplies to Mexico. The guides and Douglas were struck by bandits several times. MacArthur killed seven attackers, with only a .38 caliber revolver. He also made it out with only four bullet holes just in his clothing. He was …show more content…

He was superintendent for the 3 years. He instituted reforms in teaching methods, curriculum, and standards of performance that began to improve West Point to an academic respectability badly eroded by wartime policies. During this period of time MacArthur was promoted to Brigadier General of the Army. He then got married to Louise Cromwell Brooks, his first wife. MacArthur held many military posts and also led the U.S. Delegation to the American Olympics, in Amsterdam. He served for two hours of duty in the Philippines, in 1928. Then, in 1929, he divorced Louise because she disliked army

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