Donald Trump Negative Influence

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During the 2016 election, now president donald Trump discussed cracking down on border control and specifically finishing the wall across the american border. The larger picture comes with the question, How were relations with Mexico impacted when president Trump discussed the wall? The battle ground on this controversy is fought socially and politically it can even be argued to be an economic issue. A large majority of the energy surrounding Mr.Trump and his support for the wall is negative because of the remarks the president has said in the past. Ultimately since the mention of finishing the wall around the border man minorities have been hostile to Trump showing that overall the relationship has been weakened by Trump. To start socially …show more content…

As viewed in the social impacts politically it carries over; Trump stated in his campaign that he would make Mexico pay for the wall, what he meant by this is that he would stop the illegals crossing the border and making them pay the money they earned in the U.S. since they did not earn it fairly. The former leader of Mexico had a different opinion...”former leader of Mexico confronted Trump on taking people's money away to play for his wall and he says there's no way that will happen we will not pay for that f***ing wall.”(BBC News) As the former leader of Mexico says in a explicit way the people of Mexico do not support this wall and it will not affect the people who worked for the money. This remains in the political view because the politicians of both countries are at bat for their reasons against or for the wall. The current president hears this and responds to ”While Mexico recognizes the rights of every sovereign nation to guarantee its security, Mexico does not believe in walls”((President of Mexico) Valverde) This is saying that Mexico realizes that every nation has the right to ensure their own security, but the idea of the wall to keep them out is not what they had in mind as it brings such a negative tone. Even the texas Mayor oppose the plan for the border, “We're against it, let's put it that way," one said. "I think, we don't need no walls here."(Texas Mayors) they don't mind the workers that come across the border they like that they can pay less and get the same amount of work. Politically Trump digs a deeper and deeper hole between Mexico and the U.S.A by the officials of Mexico suggesting that this idea is just going to create a harder and harder time between the bordering

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