Donald Trump Gift To Women Analysis

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Politics have always been a massive issue in the world, however this past year there has been more problems than before. From the beginning of the year 2017 with the presidential election to the beginning of this year, 2018 with our president, Donald Trump gloating that his button to release nukes is larger than Kim Jong-un’s, the supreme leader of North Korea, button. In articles from the New York Times, Gail Collins provides information on a wide range of situations where politics and laws are the main focus. Collins writes about Donald Trump is many of her articles. When Trump is mentioned, her tone shifts to a more harsh and mocking feel. In “Donald Trump’s Gift to Women” Collins explains that President Trump is behind the sexual harassment claims against many …show more content…

According to “The Roy Moore Edge”, Roy Moore had been accused of having relations with teenagers while he was in his thirties. She then gives out information on other politicians who were said to have done the same thing as Moore. Having these men in a place of power makes the women affected feel weak. They now have to watch them on T.V or hear them on the radio. They don’t feel safe. With the young girls, they now have to live their life with what happened to them, and it may have affected them mentally and emotionally. Another big issue Collins explains is gun regulations. These are talked about in “Oh Lord, Now the Gun Thing’s Back”. The title in itself displays a feeling of exhaust, and irritation of guns being the main focus of her article. “Attention must be paid.” is a direct sentence, and shows Collins takes this topic seriously and wants others to as well. Gun laws according to Collins should me more strict than they are, and people should pay more attention to them. This was an issue that was overshadowed by the sexual harassment claims that were taking place at the same

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