Donald Trump A Good President Essay

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Argument why Donald Trump Would be a Good President
1. Main points: Donald Trump would make a very good president. Opponents of this view point of mine would have things to say like “Trump is a power hungry business mogul with a happy trigger finger” or that he is too forward and has no censorship of the things that he says to the public and press. They would also say somethings such as he would buy out who ever does not agree with him or will not let him do what he wants and that he could not run a full blown country with all the facets that comes with it.

But, when we are to look at Donald Trump without bias then we can see that these said things are not very true. Trump is just not afraid to flex the muscles and power that America has. …show more content…

Trump built an Empire and will run America like a business. Trump is an experienced and tough dealmaker. Trump has led large organizations before. Not too many people look beyond his bankruptcies and the fact that he inherited large sums. However, he leads an enormous, diversified organization that is worth billions of dollars. This takes loads of Leadership, which is very different from knowledge. Leading a large organization makes you set vision, goals and expect results. You do not know the little details of every level of your organization just like the president does not know. (You mentally couldn’t know all that) That is why you delegate and empower and get information when it is needed and the president will have no shortage of people ready to educate him on issues. Trump is a negotiator. One of his most under discussed attributes, but yet one of his greatest assets. Trump’s spent his entire life and career making and negotiating deals. In his own words, he negotiates to win.

5. Trump believes in American exceptionalism. Donald Trump will not be able to promise greatness among our society or a country. But he will attempt to make America great again. Trump will take his drive for perfection on his properties and actually figure out how to make America better. He will be expecting greatness from us all, he in doing so he will tell us how to get to great. As he does with his business he will inspire people to be better than they are and have the hope that none of their

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