Donald Phillip's Lincoln On Leadership

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The author of the book, Lincoln On Leadership by Donald Phillip, try to bring out several leadership styles that Lincoln had to allow us to learn his leadership. Each lessons are according to the major events that he had accomplished. Among all, I chose three outstanding lessons that I was inspired and can use for my future professional development.
The first lesson I learnt from Abraham Lincoln is that the best way to approach the people is to Get out of the office and get around the troop. He was interested to visit people all the corners of the country where this method is referred as Management By Walking Around in nowadays. Being a natural wanderer, he could ensure that everybody is accessible to him, and he spent 75% of his time visiting …show more content…

President Lincoln during his presidential period, he was slandered perhaps more intensely than any man ever to run for the nation’s highest office despite the fact that he advocated honesty and integrity as the best policies for a leader. The author says that he was swayed by unjust criticism at first, and it did not distract him from achieving his goals. By having his perseverance, he faced hostile communities and hatred crowd without fear of them when he carried out the campaign of anti-slavery in America. In addition, whenever he received critics about him, he would rather avoid provocation and try to look at the humorous side. From this context, the leader should take critics to improve himself but not to react negatively especially with the unjust criticism. It is through such criticism that a person is able to learn and get the most out of any situation. For instance, when I was a vice president of KACIA club at the CIA, some minor people try to spread bad rumors of me. I knew exactly who they were and what was about. If they criticized me for something reasonable and something I can fix, then I will totally accept that critics and think of some other ways to fix the issue. However, if they criticize me for something unjust, I would rather ignore what they said and keep the same pace. The general public talks about people in leadership position, and the leaders should …show more content…

President Lincoln created a contagious enthusiasm among followers by demonstrating a sense of urgency toward attainment of his goals. As a president, he united his followers with a shared vision of preserving the Union and achieving the end of slavery, and he focused on concrete, short-term goals that could be accomplished. A leader should consistently look at the big picture despite the challenges they come across, and the result has to be realistic. It is important to bear obstacles with GRIT, but it has difference between smart GRIT and dumb GRIT. Sometimes bearing the pain is not just worth, but it is better to just plough around the obstacle to prevent from suffering and to save time. The leader should take consideration of time and efficiency as well to reach their objects, and the initial plan can be slightly tweaked. It would not hurt your result. As long as the goal is achieved, all is good. Moreover, by setting small goals for every small tasks can help me build up a habit of achieving goals because the satisfaction from achievement gives a great pleasure than any other

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