Don Quixote Narrator

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In the story of Don Quixote, a middle aged “gaunt” man sets off to become a knight-errant. Within the beginning chapters of the story, Quixote goes on a journey to prove himself as a knight. The narrator speaks sarcastically about Quixote’s and his adventures. On account of the voice of the narrator, perception is crucial relative to forming an opinion about Don Quixote and his journey of becoming a knight-errant. The constant opposition of the narrator in relation to Quixote’s goals and actions create a feeling of tension within the audience as the reader becomes perplexed in trying to figure out if Quixote’s journey can really be considered a knight’s errant. Still, despite the narrator’s sarcastic tone and Don’s idiotic actions, Don …show more content…

During his stay, he reads poetry to the women who he believes are princesses and even believes he is staying in a castle. During his supper with the innkeeper and prostitutes, he ask that the innkeeper dub him a knight. The innkeeper is forced to advance the ceremony when Don Quixote causes havoc to other guest after beating two of them while his stay in the shed. When he gets dubbed a knight, the story states, “ Seeing this, Don Quixote raised his eyes to heaven, and fixing his thoughts, apparently, upon his lady Dulcinea, exclaimed, "Aid me, lady mine, in this the first encounter that presents itself to this breast which thou holdest in subjection; let not thy favour and protection fail me in this first jeopardy.” Quixote is putting into the practice the chivalric duties stated above. This is where his adventure thus can begin. Like other knight-errants, Don Quixote was more or less successfully was knighted, but within passage practices the duty of ae Knight-errant relative to their value of upholding their vows to their love and getting knighted. Despite, the comical fashion the ceremony is held in, the value that Don puts on the ceremony and the actual value he sees the ceremony in his head allows him to be considered a

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