Don Levine: The First Action Figure In Pop Culture

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The museum of action figures and other amazing toys, will feature thousands of actions figures for guests of all ages. Action figures represent an amazing part of pop culture, thousands of people throughout the world decorate their homes with action figures. Action figures have been around since the 1960’s and they have a very interesting story of development. The story begins with the creation of the Barbie doll, and it was immediately popular and there was a problem there were no toys like Barbie for boys. Then they created the action figure to fulfill the new demand for articulating toys. “The first action figure was invented by Don Levine, Vice President and Director of Marketing and Development at Hasbro (---).” Levine developed a 11 ½ inch action figure inspired by the movie “The Story of G.I. Joe.” They began to use to the word action to market it, to young boys and distinguish it from dolls. Since it had lots of similarities to the Barbie doll. Levine was inspired while walking through an art store one day and he noticed a wooden artists mannequin an epiphany that he will create a figure that was able to move and pose just like the human body. The figure went to market in 1964 and it was immediately a success. “Within two years, G.I. Joe accounted for …show more content…

The character was sold with costumes and accessories, including marvel super heroes. In 1977 the Kenner company began to manufacture action figures based on its new movie Star Wars. This success expanded the toy market and increased the demand for licensed action figures. The Star Wars also changed the size of the typical action figure which was previously 8-12 inches to 3.75 inches. This helped decrease manufacturing cost and increase the profit for the action figures. Another reason they went with a smaller design was because the cost of plastic was

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