Domino Effect Of Relationships Essay

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Domino Effect of Relationships Today, many people will be seeking relationship advice from a friend, a counselor, family member or even a psychic. The problem is everyone does not follow the basic steps to have a healthy relationship. Dishonesty, lack of communication, and often heard, loyalty can sometimes aide in the failing of a relationship. These factors could be the top reasons how relationships fail. When aspects of a relationship start to become unclear to one partner, it can cause turmoil, often leading to an unravelling of the partnership. There are two main areas to help substain a healthy relationship, communication and loyalty. Communication is a key element in what we do in life. When there is a lack of communication partners …show more content…

Maybe one spouse is offered a job in a different city or state but the other spouse has family and refuses to leave their current home. These issues are common amongst married couples. Some even go as far as filing for divorce without compromising. Once the grounds are broken from lack of communication, then there might become an issue with dishonesty. One partner may even start to believe the other spouse is lying about a particular …show more content…

Loyalty, Loyalty, Loyalty as Wale says in his song Loyalty featuring Rihanna. Loyalty, just as communication, is a far greater aspect within the relationship. Loyalty shows how dedicated or committed a person is to the relationship. Loyalty comes out of love, devotion, dedication and commitment. When the loyalty has been compromised, you can basically call the relationship quits. Loyalty is the red velvet cake for most people. Hence, entertaining another person emotionally can create confusion amongst the couple which can be devastating and heartbreaking. Some cultures take extreme measures to insure their wives are loyal. Just imagine growing up as a young woman knowing that once you are married you have to have an extreme surgery which require for you to have your clitoris

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