Domestic Violence In Gone Girl

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Hypothesis: In Gone Girl, the illustration of domestic violence in Nick and Amy’s marriage prompts us to question the credibility of the “truths” that we perceive.
After analysing the film Gone Girl, directed by David Fincher, I have come to the conclusion that the portrayal of domestic violence in Nick and Amy Dunne’s marriage prompts us to question the credibility of the ‘truths’ that we perceive. Over the course of the film, the narrative perspective of Nick Dunne and wife Amy Elliott-Dunne are used to defend themselves and antagonize the other, without much chance of the audience being able to observe their marriage from an objective standpoint. Although critical texts may argue for and against Nick and Amy, each converge to the unanimous …show more content…

Amy’s life served as the premise for ‘Amazing Amy,’ a series of children’s books created by her parents to turn each of Amy’s shortcomings into a success, forging an alternate version of their daughter’s life which many young girls looked up to. For example, when Amy quit playing cello, Amazing Amy became a prodigy. When Amy was cut from the freshman volleyball team, Amazing Amy made varsity. But when Amy lacked a husband in her adult years, it wouldn’t be surprising to have the next instalment in the series focus on the marriage of Amazing Amy. Batuman comments on this, saying “... when Amazing Amy grows up, she can’t not get married,” implying that the expectation for women to be wed is so hardwired into our society, that even the characters that we create as role models for children must uphold the same standard since it is the norm. Furthermore, at an event celebrating the new book, Amy is backed into a corner by reporters were commenting on the fact that Amy was still unwed in her mid-thirties and was, once again, upstaged by her fictional counterpart. Because of this persona that her parents have created, Amy became insecure about her life and how each of her imperfections would be made into another triumph for Amazing Amy. This pushed her to maintain a facade of perfection to not only meet the expectation set by her parents, but the expectation the rest of the world has set as a result of the creation of Amazing

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