Domestic Violence Case Study

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Domestic violence is the willful intimidation of power and control by an intimate partner against another. It doesn’t always look the same because every relationship is different. It can happen to any sex, age, race, gender, or religion group. Abusive relationships come in different forms including physical abuse, sexual abuse and even emotional abuses, but in all cases you find one partner controlling another. It can result in physical injuries, emotional trauma and sometimes death. All of these can affect a victim’s life for a long period of time. There are many different signs of domestic violence and many people wonder why an abused victims stay with their partner. Domestic violence at the beginning stages is difficult to notice because it starts with a marvelous and perfect partner, but in due times it turns controlling. It might start off with minor name-calling, or negative put downs. The abuser will continue to apologize to prove to the …show more content…

They believe their case will be handled by an officer who knows the abuser and will fail to property investigate the crime.(Wallace & Roberson, 2014). Every domestic violence case that is reported should be investigated thoroughly. In many cases of domestic violence restraining orders are put into place to stop offenders from having contact with the victim. It requires a judge to make a rule that someone is in danger and a protective order is needed to keep them safe. In 1994 Violence against women act was initially passed. It was the first legislation that accepted domestic violence and sexual assault as crimes. (NNEDV.2016) It provides different programs and services to meet the needs of immigrant women, women of different races, victims with disabilities, and legal aid for surviving domestic violence victims. It pays for services for female adults and teen victims to help protect them from dating violence and

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