Before and After: A 9/11 Eyewitness Account

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What is amazing is that in that moment, there was a moment before — that we saw that plane, that second plane — and there was a moment after, and it’s like two different worlds, those two moments. I mean, literally, I can feel like I can remember the exact second when the whole world changed and my life changed forever. Because one minute, it was a building on fire and the next minute, none of us were safe. That’s what it felt like. There was no sense of where to go, what to do, how to protect ourselves, what was going to happen next. (NY Times)
This was an eyewitness account from Audrey J. Marcus, a public programs coordinator at the Museum of Jewish Heritage in New York City, during the attacks on the Twin Towers on September 1st, 2001. …show more content…

Domestic terrorism is described as “occurring primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the US” (“Terrorism”). Some examples of domestic terrorist groups are white supremacists, animal rights/environmental extremists, and Pro-life extremists (Martin 19). Domestic terrorism also encompasses shootings by a lone individual such as the school shootings at Columbine High School and Sandy Hook Elementary. They are considered a terrorist because according to The Revised Academic Consensus Definition of Terrorism, a terrorist can be a lone individual who is trying spread their message an audience that can relate to them or become fearful enough to succumb to the terrorist’s desired change (Schmid 2). International Terrorism is what usually comes to people’s mind when someone mentions terrorism. International Terrorism is then described as taking place outside of the US or transcending national boundaries (“Terrorism”). The attacks on the Twin Towers on September 1st, 2001 are an example of international terrorism because the attacks were orchestrated by the Islamic terrorist group, al-Qaeda, to punish the United States for their involvement in Middle Eastern

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