Dolphin Cove Descriptive Essay

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Many students were highly anticipating the opening of CSI’s Dolphin Cove. I was too busy trying to lift my heavy boxes. A curly hair, nicely built RA offered to help. I wanted to move it the way I wanted it move. I was paranoid they would break something or place it to the wrong apartment. Even though I protested, the RA ignored me. He was already at the entrance with my box of dishes. I paced as quickly as I could. I can hear the dishes shift. We slip through the crowd to the second floor. I can barely squeeze through the hall with everyone boxes and bags of shit lying around. The RA disappeared as I looked into my room. My first roommate, Savannah already settled in. She introduced me to her family and boyfriend. I did not wait for my other two roommates, I wondered off to meet up with James. He was on the line to obtain his keys. We did not have to lift a finger. I asked if he worries, that something will break or go missing. He playfully pushes me. “Relax.” He smiled. …show more content…

The place incompletely built. His RA apologized for the inconvenience. They were sending students out the Hampton Hotel until all construction were done. His room and bathroom are fine, the stove uninstalled and the fridge worked. His other roommates complained, worrying where they were going to place their belongings. Many said I was lucky. Lucky? I had a hole in my bedroom wall. My side of the bathroom toilet did not work. The plug of our stove was non-compatible to the socket the wall. James made lunch then we chilled on his bed talking about how much we missed our mama. He opened up about his past relationships and his high school experience. His roommate, Guy let us know the manager of Dolphin Cove arranged a dinner BBQ for residence. He dropped off his belongs before he headed to the Hampton Hotel. I invited James over. He helped me unpacked my groceries and

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