Dogs Are Man's Best Friend Article Analysis

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Why Are Dogs Man 's Best Friend?
Luigi Vittatoe
Florida Tech Griffiths, S. (2015, May 21). Dogs have been man 's best friend for 40,000 years: Humans tamed canine ancestors centuries earlier than first thought. Mail Online, p. 2.
In this article, the author explains why dogs have been man’s best friend for over 40,000 years, enlightening readers that, in fact, the dog was tamed even earlier than people thought. The author makes extensive use of findings from scientific research related to the topic, offering credibility to her perspectives. In addition, the article has been written in a manner simple to follow and comprehend: the author starts by offering a brief background about the relationship between man and dog, which is followed by comprehensive information from credible sources. The use of images throughout the article makes it easy for the reader to understand and relate with the topic. This article would be critical for research because of its attention to detail, ease of understanding, and credibility of sources.
Sample, I. (2015, Apr. 16). Dogs are man 's best friend thanks to …show more content…

The author specifically utilizes the outcomes of a research by Hungarian scientists regarding the topic, affirming that, indeed, canines’ brains are ordinarily sensitive to acoustic emotional cues, in a similar manner to humans. The author uses an appropriate image of the actual dogs used in the research undergoing an MRI, which helps the readers connect and relate with the topic. The author extensively uses information derived from expert sources, including journals and research magazines. In addition, the article is formatted in a manner that is logical and easy to follow: the introduction, analysis, and summary parts distinct the type of information presented. This article is critical for research because of its extensive

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