Dog Fighting Research Paper

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Dog Fighting
Dog fighting is a dark side to our society that needs to be eradicated because of its extreme cruelty to the dogs forced to participate.
Dog fighting is a sadistic contest in which two dogs are placed in a pit or cage to fight each other for the spectators entertainment and gambling. Spectators often prod dogs with sharp objects and hit them to force them to continue fighting. These heinous crimes have actually been around for quite some time, as a matter of fact the practice of animal fighting traces all the way back to medieval times, not only were their dogs participating but bulls and bears were fighting as well. The idea originated in England around 1832 until it was outlawed in 1835 by the Parliament in the …show more content…

In more urban areas where there is not much room outdoors, pit bulls are often kept in basements, or otherwise confined. In general, if a home has multiple pit bulls that seem aggressive, unneutered, abused or unsocialized, it is highly possible they are being used for dogfighting. The second sign that a dog fight is taking place at a location is a scarred dog , especially pit bulls. Fighting scars can be found on the face, front legs, hind ends and thighs , puncture wounds, swollen faces and mangled ears are also telltale signs of fighting. Individuals could also look for fighting pits , often with scratch lines. Pits are often constructed out of plywood, measure between 14 and 20 square feet and have walls two to three feet high. Look for blood stains. Recently, some dogfighters have been using chain link fencing as well. Pits can also be constructed out of makeshift materials such as hay barrels. The diagonal scratch lines are in two opposite corners. The dogs stay behind these lines until the referee orders them to be

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