Dog Argumentative Essay

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At one point some one thought about how the world is connected and said “ The universe is a continuous web, touch it at one point and the whole web quivers.” This quote explains how everything is connected and if you do something somewhere, in some way it affects everything else. Everything is connected, from Jesus to a shoe brand. When you think of dogs you probably think of balls of fluff and energy but there is a lot more to them than you think. Dogs can learn 1000+ words in the first few years of their life. In the first months of a puppies life they will sleep up to 20 hours a day. If your dog looks like it’s smiling it probably is! Dogs can smile. All the families and people with dogs can have many more you may not know about, there are about 400 million dogs in the world! Dogs also have 3 eyelids. Contrary to the old saying that dogs are colorblind, truth is they’re not! Science shows that “They see in shades of black and white and also in shades of blue and yellow.” (Sandy Wallace). Dogs also have a lot of affection and love being around people they are social/pack animals and like to have company. Out in the world there are over 200 dog breeds recorded and more are being discovered and domesticated. Like a snowflake, or a fingerprint no two dogs’ nose prints are the same. All together dogs are an amazing animal. A lot of people love dogs, But who MADE the first dog? That brings us to the …show more content…

Something that almost everyone knows Jesus died for our sins. There is a lot to learn about jesus, “Truth is in Jesus” (Matt Slick) is one thing we can all agree on. Jesus is the savior and will always be there for us. When Jesus first came to earth he came to serve, he came to save and “He came to give life.” (Matt slick) this quote from the bible shows that Jesus is the savior and will come for us again and we shouldn’t be scared because he is here to save us. So if god made humans, who makes

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