Does Stalin Have Too Much Power

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Abraham Lincoln once stated, “Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power.” Having too much power causes many unfavorable uprisings. Most citizens prefer not to have a leader with full control over every aspect of their lives. Countries who are ruled under a dictatorship have many obstacles that are being formed. Friends and families escape their own hometowns and move to a country where choice is an option. Power is most effectively used when a dominant leader uses brutality, propaganda, and an appeal to ignorance in order to control their citizens. Power is effective when brutality is over used upon citizens. Stalin was a ruthless leader for the Soviet Union during 1928-1953, “He often chose …show more content…

During WWII, Adolf Hitler took over Germany and controlled most of the Jewish population. He was an expert at self promoting to make himself look like an outstanding person, “A picture of Hitler talking to the crowd and touching their hands displays Hitler’s character traits as respectful, compassionate, and generous” (Nuremberg 1933). In reality he is not; he tortures and kills thousands of people for no legitimate reason, using them as scapegoats. Nobody ever wanted to fight against Hitler and they always cheered him on during his speeches. He was a great public speaker which persuaded countless people to think that he was doing the right thing. Propaganda is used to the extent where people do not know how to think for themselves anymore, they just go with the majority. It blindly leads them to only one concept. It influences people in a way that can possibly be harmful with the misleading information being given. Leaders control what information should be given to the citizens. In addition to propaganda, a children's book back in the days promoted racism towards Jewish people, “Our young people, too must be wanted. Our boys and girls must learn to know the Jew. They must learn that the Jew is the most dangerous poison-mushroom in existence” (Hiemer). Children would read this book and would not know any better. All they understood from the book is that Jews are awful human …show more content…

Hitler was a powerful leader who ruled in a cruel way that would never be forgotten. The world would not be the way it is, if it wasn’t for him. The nation knows not to make the same mistakes that Hitler made. A poster of Hitler shows him saying, “How lucky for those in power that people don’t think”(“Adolf Hitler”). Hitler used the lack of knowledge people had to his ability. He knows he was able to manipulate people with his power and speeches. Appeal to ignorance brings people to the conclusion that the person giving the information is correct. It has a way to make citizens re-think themselves. They bring doubt into their minds and morals. Leaders can’t be in total control if their citizens have a voice and wisdom. Therefore, leaders use other’s lack of information to build upon their argument to make it more appealing. Furthermore, Squealer, an intelligent pig from the book Animal Farm, is a very persuasive talker. He convinces all the animals on Animal Farm that Boxer, a strong horse, was not going to get killed, “But the explanation was actually very simple. The van had previously been the property of the knacker and had been bought by the veterinary surgeon, who had not yet painted the old name out. That was how the mistake had risen (Orwell 142). Squealer, being the smartest animal on the farm, allows him to convince other animals about the sign on the van. The animals have no idea

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