Does My Pursuit Of Purpose Violate Your Ambition?

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What’s in it for me? What if my pursuit of purpose violates your ambitions? Individual morality is the start to any society. Like minded individuals must share common values and beliefs to co-habitat. We can educate, train, develop, mentor, enforce and even enslave individuals but it means nothing and will not last unless we get complete and total buy in from all parties involved. Rousseau calls it a person’s “general will” contributing to the moral collective body (Hallman, 2012, p.461). I share this belief as a leader and know that human rights, social justice, liberty for all will never be reached.
Therefore we must have a governing party to ensure that individual wants don’t impede basic needs. People are greedy by nature and as a member of the western society I indulge in all its gluttons. Not only must the government enforce liberal rights but must also ensure the protections of its citizens form unfair practices within and outside our society. I know what you’re thinking; who …show more content…

Expand its capabilities by forcing business in all forms of health cares to compete for your service. Which would drive rates down and ensure the proper care of our love ones. Another change would be the implementation of a free education system that pushes innovation and motivation of our youth. It will combine business and educators to develop practical means of funding our forward thinkers and future working force of tomorrow without oppession. Enacted laws that hold the political, judicial, and governing bodies accountable to answer the issues of is communal needs. We the governed should have transparency that enables us to direct access and the right to reduce their pay or oust them immediately base on their work performance. Gender, race, age, culture and religions will all have access to all levels and a say at the table of opportunity. Equal privilege for

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