Does Lae Choo's Character Undergo A Change In The Story

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2. In most stories, the main character undergoes a change from beginning to end. Does Lae Choo undergo a change in this story? If so, what is it? Lae Choo undergoes a lot of change through the story. Her personality changes throughout the story. At the beginning of the story she is an extremely caring mother, excited to be in America. She struggled with understanding why they were taking her son because she is not very good at English, but is still devastated that they take Little One. She can’t even sleep once they get home: “Day was breaking. Lae Choo who had been awake all night, dressed herself, then awoke her husband.” I would not be able to sleep either if someone had taken my child. Throughout the story Lae Choo slowly becomes more and more depressed as the days go on without Little one. At the end of the story she became extremely happy and excited like the beginning of the story. The author explains he happiness by stated “Her heart was beating so high with happiness that could scarcely breathe.” She undergoes another huge change in the story, her outlook of America throughout the story. From her begging a new, excited Chinese woman entering American with her child to a Chinese woman …show more content…

What is the significance of the title? The land of the free is the title of the story. I view it as an ironic title. I don’t think that Lae Choo views America as a free land when they wouldn’t let her take her son back for ten months. When the author stated “Thus was the law of the land complied with” I thought it made a real connection with the title. The land of the free isn’t a land that is rule/law free. Lae Choo realized once she experienced her son getting taken away that the land isn’t as free as she thought. They wouldn’t let her keep her son just because they didn’t have a sheet of paper that was up to date. 8. Little One has clearly changed by the end of the story. What are some of the signs that he has changed? Will he be able to change back

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