Do People Make Sacrifices At Times

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Sacrifices are often a very difficult thing to make. There are times when you come to a crossroads of taking either the easy way or the hard way. The hard way usually include having to make sacrifices to improve the situation. The easy way could easily make the situation even worse than it already is. Why do people need to make sacrifices at times and what are the consequences of their actions? Sacrifices are actions you may have to take that involve giving something up. When you have to sacrifice something, it's often for a situation to get better or because it's just the right thing to do. For example, a child may have to sacrifice going to a friend's house in order to complete any homework they may have. The child needs to maintain his grades, so he must sacrifice a few hours at a friend's house. Though it may not seem it at the time, it'll pay off in the future. There is great value in making sacrifices. Often, making a sacrifice is unpleasant at the time, but it will pay off. Some will take longer to reveal their greatness, but they will eventually. Going back to the child doing homework, there is great value in his sacrifice. He may have had to turn down a day with his friend, but his grades will be better in the long run for doing his homework. The child could also be able to play with his friend this weekend, instead of having to …show more content…

A sacrifice is not always needed in many situations.The bigger the potential sacrifice, the harder it is to make it. When deciding whether or not to make a sacrifice,you need to consider a couple main things. Will it better the situation? Would not making a sacrifice give you the same outcome? If it is the only way to better a situation or give you a good outcome, you should probably make the choice. If it adds nothing positive to the situation and will have the same outcome as not giving anything up, it would probably be wiser to

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