Do Parents Influence Children's Gender Identity?

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Can you image your kids suddenly start to dress like a girl? At some point in your children’s lives, they might want to dress as someone else rather than themselves, and this happen a lot as children to grow. The people parents allow their children to be around influence children’s gender identity. Sometimes children want to wear girl’s dress because they saw their little sister or mother wearing a dress, and I saw this behavior happened many times. Parents have to set boundaries and guidelines for their children to follow. Children do not know what they are doing, parents have to guide them, and teach them how things are done. I think most students would be shocked about this survey after they finished, but again some students would not be shocked. May they did something like that or remember themselves wearing girl dress when they were younger. My reaction was unbelievable because …show more content…

Their peers group might bullies them for their cross-dressing. Parents know that every children want to get their peers’ approval on everything they do to feel like they belong. When their peers group disapprove their fashion styles, they feel heartbroken, hurt, and confuse. This may bring emotional issues for children, and they cannot bare to see their children unhappy. Because children are not older enough to know their gender identity, they do whatever they see someone doing, and that also impact how they response. For example, boys might want to play with Barbie doll or wear pink hat. Children learned by watching parents, television, friends, and imitate their action. In the future, parents should encourage their children to be who they are, and not to change for anyone. Parents should give their children guidance, explanation of what their children should not do, and types of clothes they can wear to express their

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