Do Not Weep For America Essay

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Do Not Weep For America. The Twin Towers fell when I was only five years old. My mother refused to let me outside and cancelled the pulmonology appointment I had. My mother and America alike, shivered in fright because of the violence. Though thirteen years later we celebrate the birthday of the attack. Morning news channels talk about the event and show the first tower going down, then the second. The horror, shocking people to fear the attackers and anyone that looks like them. This terrorism has egged on a frivolous war that has only created more violence and casualty. Every day on the anniversary, the Today Show, by the minute replays the original news broadcast of 9/11. Matt Lauer and Al Roker respect the victims with silence, yet never mention the victims from the Middle East. The video playback is triggering for people who became traumatized by the attacks. Panic sets in for the families who lost a loved one that day. People who lost their lives that day died in a horrific way. Workers jumping from the tower not wanting to burn alive or suffocate from the smoke inhalation unfortunately. These people victimized by this terrorism just because of the country in which they live. …show more content…

Although, being patriotic on a day of national tragedy is not shameful at all. Americans need to realize that 9/11 catastrophically ruined the trust of airlines to people, and people’s views of people from the Middle East. The airlines are now more defensive than ever and people are now stereotyped because of the color of skin. Americans now pigeonhole all people who are Muslim as terrorists just because the attackers of 9/11 practiced the Muslim religion as well. The three thousand deaths are not forgotten, however the way that it is continually celebrated by the media I feel like they are not doing the victims any justice at

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