Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night, By Thomas Dylan

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The Atmosphere of Death You never know when it will be the last day of your life, but luckily, that won’t happen for a long, long time. And yet, dying is not as bad or scary as most people claim it to be. People who have had a near-death experience have claimed that dying feels blissful, serene, exciting, peaceful, and relaxing. While sinking into unconsciousness, victims have claimed to feel very calm and relaxed. There was no need to breathe, no pain of any kind. Everything is totally peaceful. The poem that Thomas Dylan uses persuasion to be strong in the face of death. Fighting the loss of life helps to realize the importance of being alive. Also, goodness comes from having true bravery and persevering against eternal rest. And yet, on the other hand, death is sometimes still described as scary as most believe it to be. Emily Dickinson expresses fear and doubt that there is no such thing as heaven or hell. And there is nothing left for the dying person, except for a decaying corpse for flies to feast on. Yes, there are untroubling qualities about death as well as frightening. …show more content…

The writer expresses the true meaning of fighting against death as realizing the true importance of living. The poem gives a powerful message that death is not something to be afraid of, and that a person’s life coming to an end is an opportunity to look back on how meaningful life has been. The writer gives this message to his dying father, “Do not go gentle into that good night. Rage, rage against the dying of the light” (Dylan). These lines are encouraging to face fate and death. This poem states the importance of being alive and living life. If someone fights against dying, they have not lived their life the right

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