Do Looks Matter In The Workplace Essay

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Do looks really matter in the workplace? In a society often times first impressions are everything, an undesirable look can get off to a less advantageous start. According to Aristotle, personal beauty is a greater recommendation than any letter of introduction. Experiments have shown that we consider attractive people "as more sociable, dominant, sexually warm, mentally healthy, intelligent, and socially skilled" than unattractive people ("Attractive People Are More Successful - Business Insider," n.d.). The fact that you can be well qualified and highly educated for a particular position can seem dismal if you are up against someone who is better looking. How might your looks affect your pay? “Beauty premiums” exists in the workplace, where physically attractive workers garner higher wages and are considered more employable ("Career Advisors," n.d.) It is somber to think that being unattractive could have a damper on an individual’s cooperate advancement. Although appearance should not speak for an individual's competence it often transpires this way. Discrimination based on looks is legal unlike religion, race and disabilities, it is simply unjustified. First Impressions From the first day at a new job, people are judged on the clothes they wear, the car they drive and many other details that set them apart …show more content…

A resume service online mentioned adisfigurement can be ditracting.if an interviewer is drawn to something on your face verses your eyes , It reduces your ability to win over the intervirewer, it is irritating to look at you and the interview may wonder if your appearance will lose the company clients by creating a negative impression.” ("When It Comes To Job Interviews Looks Really Do Matter | Resume Mag," n.d.) Image 2 shows a man with a large mole on his face, this image was on the cover of ResumeMag with a caption that read “looks do

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