Do Latino College Students Experience Microaggression

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Being a Latino/a college student comes with a lot of obstacles and one of them would be suffering from microaggressions. A microaggression is defined as “a statement, action, or incident regarded as an instance of indirect, subtle, or unintentional discrimination against members of a marginalized group such as a racial or ethnic minority” (Google). Many college students experience micro-aggression, but they might not realize it. Some examples of Micro-Aggression would be a professor assuming one’s ethnic background based on how one looks or other students simply saying, “this is America, speak English”. Another example would be Tiffany Martínez, a Latina student at Suffolk University in Boston, who was blamed of plagiarizing a paper she wrote …show more content…

In addition the articles “The Faces of Discrimination” by Fleming, Mali Michelle, and “ Moving Forward: Future Directions for Improving Institutional Support for Latino/a Students” by Caitlin J. Saladino, Magdalena Martinez demonstrate that Latino/a college student do experience some type of microaggression on their college campus. This essay will explore in greater detail how Latino College students experience microaggression and recommend various of solutions to college administrators to help Latino college students overcome this obstacle that .
One way to keep students interested in their classes would be creating a curriculum that they can relate too. Students would be more interesting in learning about things they can relate to because it makes class more interesting for them. Students do not want to read, nor learn about other culture; they can't relate too. They wanna learn more about their own culture and know what they're learning it is something they can relate and can later on use in life. According to the 75 surveys we conducted …show more content…

If professors make a student feel less because of their race or ethnicity they are more likely to become less interested in their education and start to feel like school is not for them. For example is in the article “Latina College Student Used ‘Hence’ In Paper, Is Accused Of Plagiarism” by Elyse Wanshel. Explain what happened with Tiffany Martínez, a Latina college student at Suffolk University in Boston. Tiffany Martinez used the word “Hence” in one of her papers and her professor accused her of plagiarizing the paper and gave her an F. (Wanshel). Just because she was Latina her professor believed that she was not capable of writing a good paper. Professors should not view any of their students less because of their skin color nor background. What professors don't realize is that students become less interested in school when they received negative feedback just based on their looks. Tiffany Martinez also states that “[Her] last name and appearance immediately instills a set of biases before [she] [has] the chance to open [her] mouth.”. Latino college Students should not feel this way about themselves; They shouldn't feel insecure about their names or appearances because of how others will view them. Latino college students receiving negative comments will just make them doubt themselves and start to believe what others have to say. Colleges should make

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