Divorce Mediation

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A Quick Overview of Divorce Mediation

If you and your spouse are planing on a divorce, you should know about mediation services. This is especially important if you and your spouse are at odds over many issues. However, before you both lawyer up and prepare for combat, you and your spouse should consider the possibility of mediation services. This type of service is much different than a traditional divorce. It takes a diplomatic approach, and seeks an agreement with the least amount of hostility. The following is a quick overview of how the process works.

Mediation seeks to find common ground
With a mediator, you are still going through a divorce, but the process is aimed at a settlement that is agreeable to both parties without the intense level of animosity that is so common in a traditional divorce. As soon as a husband and wife get their own attorneys, the battle lines are drawn. Each attorney working to get as much for their client as possible. Of course, both husband and wife can use the same attorney, but this is simply inappropriate. An attorney can only, in truth, represent the interests of one side, not both. A mediator, on the other hand, is not representing one side or the other, but is acting as an intercession between husband and wife. A mediator seeks to find common ground and and works as a neutral party attempting to bring both sides together. …show more content…

A mediator will offer a cost estimate after an initial consultation. Most mediators will offer a free consultation. Once you receive the estimate you will have to compare that to a divorce with attorneys. You should keep in mind that once a divorce becomes contested, it is easily drawn out in the courts, and this will only make your divorce more

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