Diversity Synthesis Essay

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Regardless of a student’s physical character, gender, class, or income, success should be based on academic efforts. By placing education first, the judgement from there on out would be fair in the sense that other outside advantages would be ignored. Since the amount of diversity present on a campus can impact educational decisions and opportunities, it is imperative to enforce policies geared towards that so all individuals have a fair chance in graduating. But, this task should not be executed by school authorities, faculty, or staff simply because their main goal is to collectively guide students to success. Ultimately, the government has the right and responsibility to implement diversity policies on school campuses solely for the goal …show more content…

By establishing strict measures that defend intellectual diversity, people are able to comfortably express their own opinions, have discussions with others about personal ideas and beliefs, and gain feedback on their thoughts without being disrespected for sharing it. Exercising academic freedom not only elicits mental growth in an individual, but advances equal opportunity. Laws proposing for a secure ethnically and racially diverse student body and staff, similar to the one declared by the American Bar Association in Source B, stress the equal application of it. As a result, it is imperative for the government to pass such laws so that the potential threat of student exclusion is not used as a justifiable means of denial to action on campus. Furthermore, the government has the responsibility to establish diversity arrangements in order to better the relationships amongst professors and students. Having policies that promote intellectual pluralism, instead of suppress it, encourage them to participate in healthy classroom debates. Hence, they are able to gain a variety of perspectives on a topic that weren’t initially possessed by themselves because they held a different view. It is necessary to consider that “all opinions are valid” because different values can answer different instances (Source D). If diversity is restrained, there would be no social progress at all. Viewing campus problems solely from one perspective can possibly lead to a resolution, but by approaching the issue with other types of people, the more desirable and permanent the solution can be. That way, student inclusion is achieved for those who

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