Diversity Of American Culture Essay

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Bhavika Patel 21 June 2016 History 17A, 8:15-10:30 Professor Wade To what do you attribute the remarkable diversity of cultures in the Americas in the centuries prior to contact with Europeans? What are the most marked examples of that diversity? The ancestors of the modern day Hopi and Zuni tribes, were the Hohokam and Anasazi societies, where they happened to construct a living on agriculture, before any Europeans set foot into that territory. The Spaniards called them the “Pueblo” people and they had descended from the Chacoan people. These people built massive complexes at Chaco Canyon. Once the Spaniards arrived, the Pueblos had already established the use of irrigation canals, dams, and hillside terracing to water their maize fields. …show more content…

They believed that trade brought population expansion and further enhancement of culture. As the Ghana Empire had been established, trade of gold with the Arabian people had brought Muslim influence. Soon the rulers of the Ghanaian Empire had adopted the Arabic script, however still maintained their traditional religion. The Africans, on the other hand, had brought a complex religious heritage to the Americas. They believed in the supreme Creator of the cosmos. Meaning, they worshiped their superior being in natural forms of objects, as well as believing in heaven and hell. Honoring ancestors and mediating between the Creator and the living was their traditional religion. What were the causes and major consequences of the revitalization of western Europe in the period after 1000 C.E.? At first, Western Europe was economically and culturally in turmoil, it wasn’t until long-distance trade from Italian ports on the Mediterranean brought much wealth. Then came the Black Death, a bubonic plague, that wiped out one-third of the population. Due to this massive loss, the economy had been disrupted by the labor shortages. The Renaissance occurred soon after. With the fall of Constantinople, it resulted in scholars arriving from the west and helped city-state's rise. Educational reforms were also introduced and brought about literary

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