Diversity In A Team Case Study

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1 Teams are harmonious people who compromise their needs for the sake of the team Good teams are made of diverse people with specific needs to be met. The team’s diversity can be strength.

There is no “I” in TEAM but there is “ME”, ignore the ME at your peril. Diversity in a team is the best approach to constituting the membership of the team and this should be based on the assessment of the type of team it is i.e. either idea, task, analytical or socially-focused team. This will help to bring on board the right type of skill needed to achieve success. Also conducting individual profiling of members will help to come up with guiding rules and how to manage the team members characters and behaviours (Wright, 2013).
2 Team conflict is unhealthy Conflict …show more content…

Conflict within the team can be healthy if well managed and there is a pre-set common goal the team is working towards. Conflict comes sometime due to differences in perception and cultural differences. These have to be harnessed to avoid “group-think” rather than allowing for ‘information seeker’ to thrive so as to bring the best out of the team work through critical questioning (A Primer on Communications Studies, 2012).
3 Most people like team work Observation suggest that about one third of the working population enjoy teamwork, one third are indifferent and one third prefer to work solo Wright’s (2013) Team Profile Model, which is built on the fact that there are different types of individual with differing ways of expressing themselves (tell or ask) and their feelings (share or suppress) make it clear that everyone will not react to the idea of a team the same way. Hence, most people may not like teamwork.
4 Team work is essential to business success Teams thrive on complexity; however, if a task or process is simple an organisation can cope without teamwork It means that challenges is what keeps team going. Hence, if the task is not challenging some members of the team may see it as waste of time and resources and may not give their best to the team. Hence, if it is simple to try to constitute a team for the sake of doing

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