Disturbing Behavior Book Report

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Introduction The young people of today face many influences in their daily lives. Many of these influences are negative and in opposition to not only Christianity, but society in general. These influences on our youth can lead to many troubling activities, the book “Disturbing Behavior: 53 Alarming Trends of Teens and How to Spot Them” provides insight to many of these.
There are fifty-three behaviors explored in the book, covering two hundred and eleven pages. Page one starts the book with Abortion, a very disturbing and dangerous behavior. “An article written by Diane Dew in The Standard told of a thirteen-year-old girl who died during an abortion.” The media is said to not have sufficiently covered the story and the article tells …show more content…

Society has been separating God from every facet it can for many decades. Roe v. Wade in 1973 is one example, abortion was no longer considered criminal. We still debate this issue today. Other disturbing behaviors such as piercing pale in comparison, however they are all a part of the things which separate us from God. There is scriptural guidance offered for each behavior discussed. We will never be restored without God and we face impossible goals. Simple steps taken in and for Christ are our assurance we will achieve success, every person will not be saved and every sin will not be eliminated in this world, our success is in that we get back up. We use the tools and advice given to us by God Himself. The suggestions given for dealing with depression serve as an example. “Confess and turn from Sin” (Acts 3:19), “Quit worrying” (Philippians 4:6), and “Be with the right people” (1 Corinthians 15:33) are three of the suggestions, all which have Biblical support. I have included a verse which supports each idea given in the text in addition to the scripture given by the authors. We are called to do what we can and the task is beyond us, we must remember Paul in the conclusion of 1 Corinthians 15:10 “…yet it was not I but God who was working through me by his grace.” He said he had worked harder than any Apostle just before saying this, the point is it is not us but

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