Distinctively Visual Creative Writing

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Abruptly, my body was cannonballed off the bike and sent down a craggy forty foot deep ravine. I realised that I had made a huge mistake when my body smacked into a tree and I heard the crack of my spine, crumpling upon impact. My body was completely afflicted with a cold numbness. I began to lose consciousness as I smacked into rocks. The steep sides forced me down without any control. Constantly spinning and tumbling. My brain was sent into overdrive to try and shield me from the pain that I was experiencing, but even that was a pointless exercise. The strong thumping of each stone, pebble and branch that jutted out of the unforgiving cliff painted my body with cuts and gashes up and down my pale body and face. Hearing the faint voices in the distance, I tried to move but I soon realised I struggled to feel any of my limbs. My cousins were shouting from …show more content…

A breeze flowed over my body carrying my scent and blooded smell through the caves and forests for any beast to smell. A distant distorted roar echoed and woke me up as I dropped in and out of consciousness. I opened my eyes and glared forward. Nothing but blurred images filled my vision. All of a sudden the blurred image sprinted towards me, it pushed any branch, log or boulder out its path in order to get to me. Before I had time to react the thumping sounds of unforgiving paws rushed closer and closer. The bear, brown and immense, grunted intensely as it was on top of my back. Flipping me back and forth, an unfathomable pain ripped through my body. Trying to get any sense of control I tried to get grip the ground but with the soil being thin and sparse it denied me of any such hope. For a split moment I was able to make eye contact with the monster. Nothing could describe the fear I felt, a surgical blackness. The monsters eyes were a bottomless fiery pit. Cold and

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