Distance Learning Essay

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Technology is continuously shifting and new technological developments can have profound effects on many industries especially in higher learning education. The hasty development of new technology provides many opportunities for working students in order to improve their career development and this has helped them in gathering information and enhancing knowledge. In this new era, higher education has move forward to the new type of learning known as E-learning or Open Distance Learning. E-learning is different than the traditional learning in terms of methods of delivering where traditional methods required the instructor, teacher or tutor, a textbook and other teaching materials. E-learning of Open Distance Learning is a recent phenomenon which the learning only required the use of network called the Internet.
What is Open Distance Learning? Greenberg, (1998) defines contemporary distance learning as "a planned teaching/learning experience that uses a wide spectrum of technologies to grasp learners at a distance and it is designed to encourage learner interaction and c...

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