Disruptive Workplace Essay

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Good working environment increases the capability and effiecny of the company as the whole. Employers and employees have shared responsibility for building well balanced and respectful workplaces. According some studies, our workplace environment greatly affects our enthusiasm and ability to do our job, as well as our general attitude about work. When the workplace is perceived as a positive place, we try harder to do the best we can and so to stay longer in the company. An article in the Business Week highlights that several large companies have begun to allow more workplace flexibility, with a positive impact on performance. Many factors influence workplace environment, making the difference between a hostile work place environment and …show more content…

In order to achieve this goal , we have to identify the seven most disruptive workplaces issues. These issues can create tensions, which can hurt long-term productivity. Here the most common causes of workplaces disruption. 1.Too much competition A bit of competition among staff members can increase productivity. But too much competition can be unhealthy and the felling of teamwork can disappear. The solutions can be to set clear expectations for each employee and (funnel) employee energy into positive activities. 2.Lack of respect Employees must respect the jobs and responsibilities of others in order to work together successfully. Each employees’ job is important to the company and it’s essential for company mangers to encourage an atmosphere of mutual respect in the workplace. 3.Lack of purpose Managers need to set and focus on departmental goals. Employees will soon recognize the lack of direction and they will feel as though department goals are useless. If managers share ideas and visions with employees it will give a sense of purpose to the …show more content…

But an other issue can be hidden behind this overweight problem. Indeed, “Obesity/Overweight and the role of working conditions”, report released by the University of Massachusetts Lowell, MassCOSH and the Boston Workers Aliance, sheds new light on the possible link between obesity and low-wage workers. This study shows that lower-income workers perceived any factors in the workplace that have an impact on their weight status. Participants have been picked up from a variety of industries (housekeeping/cleaning, restaurant/food service, construction, healthcare/human services and manufacturing). Many factors such like time pressure, psychological stress, and depression among other things influence workers’ diets. These findings are completed and supported by workers interviews, examination of national data and other scientific reports. All these informations consolidate the fact that the working conditions play an important role in the development of overweight/obesity among lower-income workers. Here some factors which impact body

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