Disney Princesses Research Paper

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Stephanie Hanes says that Disney Princesses are creating unhealthy body issues and sexualizing little girls. Over the years younger and younger girls become sexual or want to be sexy.
Girls are becoming more mature. Mary Finucane noticed changes in how her daughter was playing. Toddlers have stopped running, jumping, and instead wanting to wear only dresses. Girls are not wanting to play sports. Girls are participating in sports at a much increased level in grade school," says Sharon Lamb. Girls are dropping out of sports in middle school because they believe sports are unfeminine and unsexy. There are less girls playing sports in high school. Women's Sports Foundation found that 6 girls drop out of sports for every 1 boy by the end of high school. Girl Scout study found that 23 percent of girls between the ages of 11 and 17 do not play sports because they do not think their bodies look good doing so. …show more content…

Girls feel like they are required to be sexy. The Associated Press and MTV in 2009 polled both sexes and found that ¼ of 14-to-17 years-old are sending naked picture of themselves or receiving naked pictures of someone else. In 2003 more than $1.6 million is spent annually on thong underwear for 7-to-12-year-olds. Thongs are sold to 7 year olds and padded bras are on racks at stores for 5 year olds. Younger children are being exposed to pornography. University of New Hampshire researchers found in 2005 ⅓ of internet users ages 10 to 17 were exposed to unwanted sexual material. London School of Economics study found 60 percent of children who use the internet regularly come into contact with

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