Discussion of why we live in a confessional culture

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Confessional culture is a contentious facet of tabloidization. It has been condemned by the media industry because of its degrading nature. This is because confessional culture entails on the concealment of the truth between the private and the public domains. This means that, it is an increasing concealing between private and public and the concern to reveals the truth. The reality of existence of confession culture can be traced through the rise of reality media and the web 2.0, which means that culture is continuing to publicize the private and using the media to expose the truth about the society. This paper focuses on the issue of confessional culture; “Do we live in a confessional culture”?

Foucault studies on confession
In reference to Foucault studies, the relationship between truth, confession and sexuality is explored. This is because, these extent of these concepts bear on confession, which are perhaps more pawn instinctive now, than they were earlier. Confessional does not disclose the truth that it produces, neither does it liberate, but condemn shame. Thi...

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