Discussion of the Impact that Lenin had on Russia

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Discussion of the Impact that Lenin had on Russia

The people of Russia had had enough. A group of people got together

and called themselves the Bolsheviks and Lenin was their leader. Lenin

organized an attack and in November they would take control of Russia.

Lenin told people to take land from the rich and promised that there

would be enough food. The poor got land from the rich which made the

rich unhappy but the poor didn't have to pay for land anymore. Lenin

said that he would end the war and he did this by stopping the

Russians from fighting, this caused problems for Britain and France.

Russia as a whole lost lives but were happy that the war had stopped

because they didn't know what they were fighting for anyway.

The revolution split Russia into two parts which lead into a civil war

and to win this he would have to use war communism.

The strip farming wasn't making enough food to feed the people and the

soldiers. Factories were slow and Lenin needed trains and weapons. He

took over factories and told them what he wanted and when he wanted


He took land off the farmers and made them work together, telling them

what to grow and how quick to grow it and how much to give to the

government. Many farmers hated this and tried not to hand over food.

He had a secret police force called Checka and their job was to take

food by force. If they refused to give the food, they were shot or

sent to prison camps called Gulags to work like slaves and thousands


As a result of this, in the countryside farmers stopped growing food.

The people were hungry, cold and frightened, money was worthless and

lots of people turned to crime. In 1921 the bad weather linked to this

problem caused a massive famine, over 7 million people died. It was so

bad that people were digging up bodies from cemeteries to eat them. As

The result of war communism Russia had won the civil war.

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