Discuss Two Explanations Of Criminal Behaviour

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Criminal behaviour is a complex phenomenon and so has no individual explanation. Psychology; the scientific study of the human mind and behaviour, has therefore attempted to explain crime and deviance through its several approaches. The two major contributing approaches to the explanation of criminal behaviour that will be discussed in this essay are the bio-psychological and behavioural approaches. Biopsychology is focused primarily on the idea of genetics and the neuropsychological/neurophysiological as the determining factors in behaviour. It very much takes the side of nature in the nature vs nurture debate. According to this approach the majority of the individual’s personality, cognitive as well as physical capabilities and most other …show more content…

This takes preference in the nurture side of the nature vs nurture debate. According to the behavioural approach all behaviour is determined by external factors and the way in which the environment (including other people) constantly influence behaviour. Most contemporary psychologists adhere to a compromise between these two approaches in explaining criminal behaviour (and indeed all behaviour). It has been established that biological and behavioural factors contribute to all behaviour, it is merely a matter of discovering the ratio of contribution between these biological and behavioural factors. Nevertheless some psychologists stand wholly to their own particular perspective using the evidence acquired from their own particular research. Research into the explanation for criminal behaviour has been ongoing since the 19th century. Credit is given to Cesare Lombroso as the first to study criminal behaviour in depth. In 1876 he argued that the criminal was “a separate species” and developed a curious theory based on the physical characteristics of criminals. His theory that physical characteristics are the determining factor for the predisposition of criminal behaviour is an example of the bio-psychological approach to criminal …show more content…

Identical/monozygotic twins share the same DNA and non-identical/dizygotic twins share half. Therefore the concordance rate of criminal behaviour between these two types of twins should offer insight into the role of genetics in criminal behaviour. Johannes Lange was the first to conduct twin studies in relation to criminality. In a 1929 study of 13 pairs of identical twins and 17 pairs of non-identical twins he found a concordance rate of 77% for the former and 12% for the latter. His results were criticised due to the small size of the sample. However, though not as high, subsequent studies have still revealed a considerably higher criminal concordance rate among identical twins. This shows at least to some extent that genetics does play a role in criminal

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