Discriminative Behaviour Essay

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When children are exposed to discriminative behaviour at school, they become withdrawn and not valued. This theory centres on the behaviour and actions of the social environment children are exposed to at school. The most noted discriminative behaviours children are confronted with are a negative demeanour towards gender, culture, skin colour, dress and appearance. However, with a positive environment of acceptance for all people from an early age, children learn to value and respect themselves and each other. The way a teacher listens, talks and observes a child is influenced by the images they have of the child. Teachers who see children as being creative, engaging, imaginative, communicators and learners have a classroom of children who …show more content…

The effects of poverty can cause negative behaviour in the classroom due to emotional and social challenges. Research suggests that children who have had a disadvantaged upbringing are less likely to do well at school (Connell, White and Johnson as cited in Ewing , 2013, p. 74). Not being socially accepted because of socio economics can deter a child’s experience of schooling and create cognitive lags. For this reason, it is important for schools to bridge this gap. Children from different socio economic backgrounds bring similar knowledge to the classroom, but it is the children’s experiences that can have a negative impact on a child’s learning (Thomson, 2002, p.4). For example, children from low socio economic backgrounds can have high levels of behavioural and emotional problems, anger, have less linguistic knowledge and high levels of absent days from school. Likewise, another factor that can affect a child’s schooling experience is gender …show more content…

This discriminate behaviour causes children to feel like they do not belong; there for withdrawing themselves from their school and learning. It is up to us as teachers, to further our learning and educate ourselves on the diverse world we live and teach in. The gender, culture, skin colour, dress and appearance of a child does not change who they are inside and their capability to learn. Teachers must not have preconceived ideas of a child. When children have strong relationships between home and school their learning and development is best supported (Hedges, Cullen & Jorden 2011). When teachers are interpreting the curriculum it is important they include practices that that link the home, family and community experiences. With a positive and supportive school environment, children can learn to feel and show acceptance for all people no matter of age, sex, race, culture and socio economics. Children can learn to value and respect themselves and each other. Australia has a diverse range of culture and ethnicities in schools and majority of schools are using effective methods to cater and enrich a child’s learning experience. Schools must support the ongoing professional development of teachers in gaining better knowledge of different cultures and the links between educational outcomes. Every child has the right to enjoy school, and it is up to us as

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