Discrimination Against Obese Employees

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Thesis Statement: (Should include your claims)
Although many employers don’t mean to discriminate against their obese employees, it is still happening as their is a lack of awareness regarding this topic. Employers need to be more aware of how to help out their obese employees so they don’t discriminate against them. Raising awareness would be benificial because, by encouraging them into having a healthy lifestyle with incentives rather than feeling excluded. There should be more awareness that it is a big problem right now.

Claim: Research shows, that more than one-third of US adults do have obesity and that number is quickly on the rise. by 2030, this number will increase to half, a new study by the Robert Wood Foundation found. 2030 isn’t …show more content…

Establish Evidence: Their are some great people out in the workplace, and you know that some of them are overweight but still keep their jobs because there employers know that they are hard working and do what they are told and expected to do. Research Evidence: Obese women have a greater chance (5.8%) of losing their jobs while men have a greater chance (4.8%) than of their non-obese co-workers (@MyBarasticLife) Analysis:This proves my topic because, there is a greater chance of getting discriminated and fired by your employer rather than your fellow co-workers as they aren’t overweight. Research Evidence: Overweight women are paid less than their male colleagues. (Martin) Analysis: This proves my topic sentence because, you as the employer know that you would be letting go to one of your most valuable employees because you are afraid that they would have health problems later on just because you didn’t pay all of your employees the same. Research Evidence: Cassandra Smith, an employee at a Michigan Hooters, filed a lawsuit against the restaurant chain in 2010 because she believed that the Manager that she was working for told her that if she didn’t end up losing weight in the 30 days that she was given, she would face a “Separation” from the company. Soon after that, another employee, Leanne Convery said the same issue had happened to her also. (Martin) Analysis: This proves my topic sentence

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