Discretion In Community Policing

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The appropriate use of police discretion is an essential factor in policing. According to Merriam- Webster, discretion is “the quality of having or showing discernment or good judgment”. A police officer is in constant use of their personal knowledge and experience when dealing with situations. Conditions are constantly changing and officers are obligated to trust their instincts and do what they have been trained to do. However, there are instances where officers are tainted by personal experiences, in which can ultimately result in a negative experience with the community. This concept varies throughout each department and each officer. One’s discretion, may be different from another, making this notion fairly hard to control in the line of duty. …show more content…

Community policing is justly important as it creates a positive relationship between the community and the police. This relationship is important because it allows for there to be a certain amount of respect between the police force and the community. Being a police officer gives a person authority and then have the opportunity to make a difference and help build the community they are in. For example, when faced with the situation between pursuing a juvenile for marijuana possession and giving them a second chance to realize their mistake, an officer can use his discretion to lead the juvenile in the right direction, as opposed to potentially ending the rest of their life. This opportunity allows a juvenile to get a second chance and to fix their wrongs to potentially have a better

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