Discovery in the Jungle

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Discovery in the Jungle

As the sun rose from its bed, most of the boys were awake apart from

Piggy. As the older boys discussed what they were going to do that

day, the littleuns were looking for fruit in the forest. Luke was

about 7 years old and had black hair. He was one of the older

littleuns and he was not scared to go further in the jungle. His eyes

were a light blue. He was popular around his group and most littleuns

liked him.

The littleuns were walking around in groups like a group of excited

monkeys, jumping around, playing but also they were looking for

fruits. As they were walking through the jungle, Luke spotted

something. While the group went towards fruit trees Luke went in the

opposite direction, he has seen a metallic object lying beneath a

small pile of leaves, it seemed to be hidden, he slowly reach for the

pile and slowly, unsurely began to remove the leaves one by one. At

that point Luke seemed like he had found a toy. His face was bright

and he was smiling. He seemed amazed about what he had found.

" Johnny, come here look what I have found," shouted Luke with

excitement. While he had called for Johnny the entire group of

Littleuns came to see what was going on.

" It's a gun," said Percival bewildered. Luke started to run for the

beech to show all the older boys what he had found. His little feet

made very small footprints in sand as he ran up to Ralph. At first

Ralph ignored him until he saw what was in Luke's hands

" Wow, it's a gun," Ralph said in disbelief. His childish side came

about as he began to jump around excitedly. "It's a real gun" he said

again. As he began to recover after the moment of excitement, he

slowly began to realise about where this was all going to end up.

"There must be someone else on the Island as none of the boys could

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